
Life happens in the blink of an eye and shit as we know it gets hijacked.  My life has become an anomaly, it’s happened so fast that my mind takes control and leads me to believe that I might have woken up in a parallel universe.  Living a life that doesn’t belong to me nor did I have an opportunity to choose; from what I can remember. Although my memories are in a state of nonrecognition, when I look in the mirror the reflection I see is no one else but little old me.  Then what happened? Because this me is not me.  Questions bombard my existence “Was I cloned”? Impossible! Well it is possible, but i don’t remember ever being in a lab with scientist wearing white lab coats. Nor can I make sense of being kidnapped by anyone because who would want to kidnap me, a small town journalist trying to make it in this cruel world online and offline.  All that makes sense to me at this point is that i might just be stuck in the third stage of REM sleep the one that particularly last longer and it becomes harder for us to wake up from. That’s what it is a nightmare I am dreaming.  All of a sudden I hear someone screaming and I try to ignore it, but the sound just becomes louder and louder so I headed towards the stairs of this house I find myself in. As the sound becomes amplified I realize that it’s coming from one of the rooms upstairs. I go up the stairs and when I look in the room I see a toddler calling. Mommy! I looked around hoping someone would come to the toddler’s rescue,  but all I saw was three other boys coming inside the room. Standing in a paralyzed mode with no words to express they look at me and ask “Mom are you going to pick up Tristin?”  OK.  If I am dreaming this is the perfect time to wake up. Somebody please wake me up! I don’t remember having any kids or living in this big house. Confusion hits me what the hell happen? How did I end up here with this life?  I look around and see pictures throughout the house, I see pictures of the boys and I stumble across a family portrait. Wait…a family portrait? WTF!! I am married and have children not one but four boys. Okay someone prepare my casket because I am dead just bury me 7 feet deep and do not take me out.  Tristin still crying. Okay! Okay Jesus! I pick him up reluctantly before his lungs burst and before I get charged for negligence or murder in a life that’s not even mine. Yes, I completely believe that I am in a parallel universe;  here I have no me time nor do I get to enjoy bubble baths with candles and wine hell I can’t even pee without one of these little people knocking on my door or just barging in without my consent. My life has been hijacked from my vivid imagination where I can remember when I had just one child and don’t get me wrong people I love and adore my four boys but this shit is rough. My husband and I wouldn’t be who we are without any of them but I do miss my freedom and my alone me time.  Hell! I miss being able to sleep through the night without a human alarm clock ringing every other hour on some nights. Quiet please! Some days the whining, crying and the telling on each other seems like enough to just drive me insane! They are my kids and I have learned to work through it but the irony of  being hijacked isn’t funny.

Author: phoenixonfire2017

I am a woman, wife, daughter and mother of four beautiful boys. I am married to a wonderful man. I enjoy writing it gives me a voice.

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